Why Lyman Gilmore
Mission Statement
"Preparing young adolescents for their future"
District Mission Statement
The Grass Valley School District is a multi-faceted community passionately committed to developing personal excellence and preparing each individual for the future through a strong academic program enhanced by a wide range of innovative choices in a responsive and safe environment.
District goals are ~
- We will acknowledge, project, and communicate our strengths and values throughout the community to enhance public image.
- We will actively involve families, schools, businesses, senior citizens, and the community at large to create a cooperative partnership that is enriching and mutually beneficial.
- We will create a cohesive and supportive school community.
- We will aggressively seek alternative funding sources for the Grass Valley School District.
- We will provide an articulated, quality educational program that defines what students should learn, know, and be able to
do, with outcomes, which can be effectively assessed and reported. - We will seek ways and means to increase the use of instructional technology as a learning and productivity tool.
- We will create an educational environment that addresses the social, emotional, and physical needs of our students.
About The School
Lyman Gilmore Middle School welcomes 500+ students each morning. With a dedicated staff that values
the whole child, Gilmore hosts a wealth of academic and enrichment options. Electives include computer
animation, Gilmore News Network, dance, band, art, choir, foods, interior design, and more. Academic
options include Geometry and Algebra available in 8th grade, honors courses, and a learning center with
multiple resources. Lyman Gilmore has been recognized as a California Distinguished School, a Title One
Academic Achieving School, and has been ranked by a variety of measures in the top 1% to 15% of middle
schools in California
Why Choose Gilmore?

Each grade level offers:
- Language Arts: Core course of Literature and Writing.
- Mathematics: Offered at a student's screened level and includes Pre Algebra, Algebra and Geometry.
- Science: Students receive standards based curriculum through lab-based, hands-on activities and write-ups.
- Social Studies: Teachers design activities to take students beyond writing to construct models or scenes from ancient cultures, practice Asian calligraphy and produce travel brochures.
- Physical Education: Daily instruction and activities.
Elective courses:
- Visual Arts: Basic Arts, Clay
- Digital Arts: Digital Photography, Powerpoint, Animation, and Broadcasting.
- Performing Arts: Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Ensemble, Dance and Stage Productions.
- Home Economics: Cooking